Ron Paul American physician and politician

Ron Paul American physician and politician
The Ron Paul birth date is Aug 20, 1935.His complete name is Ronald Ernest Ron Paul. He is a United

States physician, writer and politician who has been providing as the U.S. Associate for Texas's Fourteenth congressional region such as Galveston. He is a three time applicant for Chief executive of the U. S. Declares. Paul is a graduate student of Gettysburg College and Duke University School of Medicine .He provided as a healthcare official in the U. S. Declares Air Power from 1963 until 1968. He became the first Associate in record to provide simultaneously with a kid in the United States senate when his son Rand Paul was chosen to the U. S. Declares United states senate for the state of Kentucky. The Paul has been recognized as the perceptive godfather of the Tea Celebration activity. Paul declared that he would not be competitive in any other Presidential primaries On May 14, 2012.

At the 2012 Republican Nationwide Meeting. Paul obtained the second most ballots from the participating associates.