Showing posts with label Mental health disorders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mental health disorders. Show all posts

Mental health disorders disrupt daily activities

 Mental health disorders disrupt daily activities

Mental health disorders

The human body is a masterpiece of nature, the system of which is very complex. Each organ is a part of this machine and has its own function, which it performs automatically. Heart, brain, liver, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Ear, Nose and Eye are all working under an automatic system.

Just like when a part of a machine breaks down, the machine stops working, that is, if any part of the body breaks down, the entire body system is affected and the performance of the body becomes different. Similarly, the mind of the body. It is the most important organ, which works as a control room. Hunger, thirst, sleep, talking and walking, etc., because all these functions are related to the brain, so when there is a disorder in the brain. All these functions are affected, we call it mental illness or mental illness.

Mental health disorders these diseases are difficult to diagnose and treat.

Today, the endless advances in science have made it easier to understand the disease, but since mental illnesses have specific conditions, they are often not shown in any test, so their treatment is difficult. According to mental illness experts. More than 14 million people in Pakistan are suffering from mental disorders, the causes of which include domestic disputes, sensitivity, violence, office politics, abusive behavior, economic problems, unemployment, inflation and family problems.

The fact is that a healthy mind is the owner of a healthy body, that is, a healthy mind and a healthy body are inseparable, and only healthy people determine the path of progress and success in the world. Mindfulness refers to the ability to think positively about others, to fulfill one's responsibilities, to be able to cope with everyday mental health disorders problems and to be able to live life in an orderly manner.

Among the mental diseases that are popular today, they include depression, anxiety, disordered mental states such as schizophrenia and phrenia, mental stress and nervous tension.

30 percent of people in the world are suffering from mental diseases. According to the World Health Organization, these mental diseases can become the main cause of death in the future. Different types of problems and conditions and factors give rise to mental stress and nervous tension.

According to Matlab's observations, depression and nervous tension are the most common mental health disorders diseases of this era, people call them all depression, which is not true. The disease of depression is called mood disorder. In this disease, a state of sadness and despair sets in on a person, the symptoms of which can be despair, despondency, crying, hopelessness, anxiety and loneliness.

A person suffering from this condition starts thinking about suicide by leaving all his loved ones and relatives and activities. Restlessness and indecisiveness, that is, anxiety, worry for no reason, fear and panic and always worrying about problems. It is a disorder. If a person is suffering from anxiety, it is not necessary that he is depressed and anxious, however, those who are constantly suffering from anxiety can suffer from mental health disorders depression.


Actually, every person living in society has different problems to deal with, such as domestic disputes, problems in married life, bad relationships with parents, marriage against choice, infertility in husband and wife and physical illness, etc. Some people quickly become frustrated in dealing with these problems, thus they become trapped in anxiety and then gradually suffer from depression.

There are phrases in the tongue of such people that my life is pointless, it is better to die than such a life and I am a burden on the house and the world. People who say such things start to be mentally ill and eventually develop mental illness. Nowadays, social media is also affecting mental health and excessive use of mobile and the internet is also making people lonely.

There is a lack of physical activity and most of the victims are people under the age of 30. According to the World Health Organization, mental illnesses are becoming a major cause of disability. People with mental illnesses should not be separated. That is, they should not be left alone. They should not be left at the mercy of parents, but they should be shown to health professionals and thus be helped.

They should be kept happy and shared in their sorrows and pains. Friends, relatives, and loved ones should visit them and entertain them, in this way gradually they will get rid of the clutches of mental illness.

The safest and most useful way to avoid mental health disorders and diseases is to prostrate before your Lord daily and tell Him all your worries and problems with sincerity.

Apart from this, one should live a balanced life, help the people of God, walk in the morning and evening, adopt a positive attitude and fulfill all one's responsibilities in a good manner.

According to modern research, the number of patients suffering from mental disorders is increasing rapidly in the whole world and one person out of every ten people is suffering from some kind of mental illness.

Health experts say that eating 470 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables daily reduces mental stress because fresh fruits and vegetables contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and flavonoids. ) are found, which not only eliminate any inflammation in the body but also keep the mind calm, improve functions and create freshness in health. The World Health Organization also recommends eating 400 grams of fruits and vegetables daily advises saving from mental health disorders disrupting daily activities.


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