A combination of gourds, dietary fiber and water


A combination of gourds, dietary fiber, and water

A combination of gourds, dietary fiber, and water

So now in Pakistan more or less gourd is sold in every season but actually, it is a summer vegetable it is rich in the natural ability to keep our body cool. The human body is such a masterpiece of nature that every weather is made tolerable to a reasonable extent. The internal temperature of the body remains the same in a healthy state.

In summer we are afraid of sweating, actually, it is a natural system to release excess heat from the body. Acidity is removed and the body temperature is controlled by the brain under the coordinated system.

After sweating, we feel cold in the body. This symptom is not a disorder. If heat is not released through sweat, the body will burn like an oven and the body organs will not be able to perform their functions properly.

This is an automatic system of nature. In summer, the blood is usually thin. Sweat is released from the pores of the skin, then we feel cold. October is the last summer. This month we should consume foods that keep the body system moderate, active, and active and help to eliminate the effects of heat.


The gourd is one such vegetable with numerous benefits which is rich in medical and nutritional benefits and the favorite vegetable of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Specifically, it should form part of the diet. Gourds are round or oval and oblong in shape with green skin on the outside and a soft, smooth surface on the inside.

The seeds are half an inch long and a quarter inch wide in the middle. This vegetable contains mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, and iron.

While making gourd, it is better if the amount of water is kept low because the major part of this vegetable consists of water. It is correct to give gourd soup curry to thin and sick people because the water would have been removed from their bodies. Is.

Gourd juice, soup, and broth are also useful for people suffering from heart diseases. Like every vegetable, there are dietary fibers in the gourd that improve the digestive system. If you want to lose weight, gourd juice is good. Drinking the extract is useful. Diabetic patients are often thirsty. Gourd helps to quench thirst.

It is also a place of beauty

It keeps our skin clear.

It is effective for oily skin. Young people with nail acne should eat it and clean the skin with the juice. It also removes dandruff. Applying gourd juice on the skin that has dandruff will cure it. A tried and tested method to remove the dryness of the skin is to mix the juice of gourd and tamarind in equal weight and apply this solution on the entire scalp and massage it with soft hands and after half an hour wash it off. The head should be washed with water. Young girls with acne-prone skin should drink gourd juice to maintain the balance of oil produced by the skin. Thus, the gourd plays a key role in keeping the skin healthy and shiny. Is.

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Said what? Don't drink coffee


Said what? Don't drink coffee

Said what Don't drink coffee

When you are tired of the heat and you are in a bad condition, then the steaming cup of coffee is perfect! What? Said what? You don't drink coffee in the heat? So are you one of those people who find the use of coffee in the heat harmful to health? So, sir, get rid of this misunderstanding! This is because many health experts have rejected this idea and scientific research has shown that coffee, whether cold or hot, is not harmful in any weather and if it is used in a moderate amount, it can bring us many benefits.

In general, those who consider coffee consumption to be unhealthy in hot weather think that only water-based beverages should be consumed in hot weather, while according to researchers, coffee is a beverage full of natural benefits for the human body.

Coffee brightens your skin:

The linoleic acid in coffee stores water inside our skin, which prevents our skin from drying out and retains its elasticity.


Said what Don't drink coffee
Other ingredients in coffee, such as the antioxidants in the phenolic compound, eliminate any kind of inflammation in the skin and help to keep the skin smooth by removing any kind of blockage in the skin.

Coffee gives us energy.

Did you know that people who do not drink coffee are more prone to heart disease than people who drink coffee regularly?

According to scientists, this is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of coffee, as well as the micro-organisms found in coffee that eliminate inflammation of the intestines and keep the digestive system in its original state. Cause to be saved.

Benefits of black coffee:

Just as everything is beneficial in its original state, so too is black coffee more beneficial to health than others.

In addition to its flavor, this is a complete weight loss recipe. According to experts, a six-ounce cup contains "0" zero calories, making it an excellent "evergreen" drink for people who want to lose weight.

Cold, summer, autumn, spring now be enough with:

Whether the weather is hot or cold, the color of spring with colorful flowers or bile roots.

Coffee is a delightful drink we all enjoy in all seasons, but it also gives us a sense of freshness in every season. So it would be a mistake to think that coffee should be drunk only in winter. Whether it's the beginning of the morning or the feeling of exhaustion, the freshness of coffee overwhelms everything.

Colors of happiness; coffee grounds:

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healthy diet plan for weight loss Losing weight does not diet

Losing weight does not diet 

healthy diet plan for weight loss

Losing weight does not diet

Healthy diet plan for weight loss People who claim that we have the most authentic method of losing weight or dieting, know that this is not 100% true. Consuming a certain amount of calories while dieting is often not the right decision. The reason is that when we provide our body with a fixed amount of calories, our fixed natural weight is also affected due to this change.

This is the reason why when our dieting comes to an end, our body tries to regain this weight, and as a result, our weight starts to increase again soon after we stop dieting. Health is also significantly affected and our body starts to look ugly and ugly compared to before.

Healthy diet plan for weight loss

If your goal is to get a healthy body, it is better that you refrain from such experiments, and this year, instead of dieting, make it a priority to live a healthy life through wholesome food.

Weight and health are not mutually exclusive

It is very important for us to understand that whether the weight is reduced or increased, a person can remain healthy in both cases, that is, a healthy body is never dependent on weight.

People who are overweight are not necessarily healthy. Even in the research done in this area, it is not clear whether better health is related to weight loss or positive changes in our lifestyle such as Better nutritional intake and physical fitness.

Permanent weight change is not possible through dieting

In other words, say that dieting does not help in achieving permanent habits.

If we limit the consumption of nutritious food and physical activity to the limits of weight loss, then in case of not getting the desired results, we give up those habits that cause us even if we don't want to. Return to unhealthy habits even after losing weight.

Dieting also affects mental health

Healthy diet plan for weight loss

People who have a tendency to lose weight are constantly worried about their body image and are mentally unsatisfied.

At the same time, they believe that after losing weight through dieting, they are mentally satisfied, but this is not the case. This is because it is not possible to achieve a better body image through dieting, because in this case, if the weight is regained. If you start to grow, all your ambitions and self-confidence can be stunted. Therefore, choose a nutritious diet regardless of body image.

Don't think about whether the foods in the restaurant or party menu are included in your diet plan or not, instead of thinking about how many calories are in which food, focus on nutrition this time.

Therefore, this year, instead of making weight loss your resolution, make a good and better lifestyle your motto

Instead of affecting your mental and physical health by dieting, choose healthy food and make physical activities a part of your life and forget the fuss of dieting.

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Salad is a great medical treasure

 Salad is a great medical treasure

Salad is a great medical treasure, but people tend to ignore it because of its taste. Many studies have shown that eating salad improves mood and increases happiness.

Salad is a great medical treasure

First, in 2021, a media study found that research on people aged 15 to 45 found that eating vegetables and fruits improved health and had a positive effect on mood.

It reduces depression and improves mood. The study was conducted in eight countries, including the US and France.

Then recently in Australia, a long survey of 12,000 people over the age of 15 was conducted. This survey was part of a research program and continued for several years. It was found that by eating vegetables, fruits, and salads The mood improves.

Experts say that vegetables and salads are a great investment in your body and they also improve your mental health.

In this regard, a small experiment was conducted in the American University in which 100 students were included. All individuals followed through and reported a significant reduction in anxiety and depression over the next ten days and feeling happier.

Then in 2017, a survey was conducted on forty university students in Germany, and it was found that people who eat vegetables and fruits are happier and more cheerful. This is because important minerals, vitamins, and poly in the salad Phenols have an immediate and effective effect on the brain

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This beautiful rainy season is very memorable.

 This beautiful rainy season is very memorable.

The rainy season is coming. This beautiful rainy season is very memorable. Every scene of this season is beautiful, for example, the sun playing with the clouds, sometimes the colors of the rainbow are scattered on the horizon, sometimes soft. Drops smelling the soil, sometimes torrential rain throughout the night. The rainy season is very pleasant.

This beautiful rainy season is very memorable.

Everything looks beautiful. The soul is refreshed as soon as the yarn is sprinkled. Everyone looks happy. New buds begin to sprout in the branches of the trees. New aspirations and hopes are awakened in the hearts. Children in the rain. They look wet and noisy, but in this season, diseases sometimes surround them in such a way that all the enjoyment of the season is lost.

In this green blood, the withered yellow faces and sad eyes of the sick people present a very depressing and sad scene.

 During the rainy season, after rains and floods, there is a great fear of the spread of various diseases, which can take an epidemic form. It is very important to follow simple and preventive measures to control these diseases. Dangerous diseases such as malaria, dengue, eye and skin diseases, etc. are caused by diseases caused by rains and floods or water-borne diseases.

Dirty water also spreads diseases, because various types of disease germs are found in this water. Most gastrointestinal and intestinal diseases are caused by drinking or using contaminated water, such as cholera, chronic fever, dysentery, and diarrhea. (Diarrhea), indigestion and stomach worms etc. It is very important to follow the following precautions to avoid these diseases:

Clean water should be used for drinking and if possible, boil water for drinking and cooking during epidemic days.

Avoid eating rotten fruits and raw vegetables. Wash vegetables thoroughly and cook them. Water accumulates in the form of pools and ponds and mosquitoes thrive easily in such places. These mosquitoes cause malaria fever by biting a person while he is sleeping or awake.

In order to avoid them, dirty water ponds and ponds in your surroundings should be closed by adding lime or soil, so that mosquitoes cannot breed in these places. There is a great fear of spreading. To avoid skin diseases, we must follow preventive measures. People of all ages should take special care of the cleanliness of the body.

In the rainy season, there is a high risk of scabies. If one person gets itchy, all the people in the house should use anti-itch medicines. Should be avoided, as germs can migrate into scabies and form abscesses. Cola drinks are not particularly helpful in quenching thirst on hot days, but homemade drinks such as lassi are. Drink satu, takham malinga and other cheap drinks like false syrup daily.

In addition to these drinks, eat more lemon, green pepper, vinegar, onion, garlic, and mint in the rainy season. If you include onion, vinegar, and green pepper in your lunch, it is very good, they keep epidemic diseases away.

In the rainy season, apart from other types of fruits, the most popular common fruit, mango, is also available. Mangoes are available in the market before the onset he t of the rainy season.

The peculiarity of mangoes is that, even if they are limp, they reach the shops and stalls with the arrival of summer. In this season, those who eat mangoes with great taste and enthusiasm should eat them before the first shower of rain. It is better not to eat it, because mango and rain are inseparable from each other.

The mango that falls from the tree after the rains is sweeter in taste, , delicious, and very digestible.

Mangoes before rains generate heat in the body. Although mangoes are a mild and easy-to-digest fruit, mangoes are made by cooking the fruits with carbide acid before rains can cause itching and rashes. So, if such mangoes are eaten, after eating, one should eat eight to ten jams or drink milk lassi, in this way, the body gets full nutrition and energy, but it is better to eat it after rain. Eat mangoes that come in the market. Mangoes that are available after the rains are more delicious and also protect against various diseases.

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migraines headaches home remedies

Migraines headaches home remedies

Migraines headaches home remedies

Whether it's migraines or stress-related headaches or traditional headaches, almost everyone experiences it at some point in their lives. But now, for the first time, a study has found that people suffer from headaches and the number is very high. Scientists analyzed more than 350 scientific research reports on headaches and found that 50% of people worldwide experienced headaches last year.

These included all types of headaches such as migraines and others.
Researchers estimate that 15.8% of people worldwide experience some form of headache on a daily basis. The researchers also found that all types of headaches are more common in women than men, especially half. This difference in headaches (17% women, 8.6% men) is very noticeable.

Similarly, women report higher rates of headaches than men. Research has shown that migraines or migraines are becoming more common.

The researchers said that the increase in migraine rates over time appears to be real, possibly due to environmental, physical, behavioral, or psychological changes.
 He said most of the research reports were from rich countries. Where the medical system is good, it would not be right to apply the results to every country.

More data from middle- and low-income countries could be used to obtain more authoritative global data, he said.
That is, the number of headaches in the world may decrease, but the results certainly show how much of a burden this global condition has on the world. 

In a study called Global Burden of Disease in 2019, Migraine is the second most common cause of disability in women under the age of 50. 

Now, in a new study, experts say that we have discovered that the rate of different types of headaches in the world There is a lot going on across the country and it is having different effects. He added that in order to know such effects, we need to monitor the rate and burden of headaches in different societies and our research in this regard. It will help to improve the procedure.

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Mahira Khan reveals how to go viral

Mahira Khan reveals how to go viral

Mahira Khan

Actress Mahira Khan has explained a simple way to go viral. Going viral on social media in recent times is not a difficult task and then some actresses go viral day after day due to a statement or picture of themselves.
A few days ago, Mahira Khan also had a lot of buzz on social media and a lot of memes were made on the actress. Mahira is currently promoting her upcoming film 'Quaid-e-Azam Zindabad' with Fahadh Mustafa.
Mahira replied in English but the actress could not choose words and said her point incomplete after which the above clip went viral on social media. However, now during another programme, mahira khan was hosted today

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