Brisk walking benefits

 Brisk walking benefits

Brisk walking benefits

From the point of view of health, to keep the weight in moderation, we make a regular plan for walking. We sit on the seats to work all day long, which accumulates the layer of fat around the stomach and its sides. Especially women working in offices cannot stand for a long time or move around. Desk work requires a lot of attention. Another difficulty is that in many offices, lunch is eaten at the desk itself.

Most leave the desk only for prayer or to go to the washroom. After this routine, walking becomes very important. Read below the main benefits of walking and incorporate this simple exercise into your lifestyle today. Add it

Brisk walking benefits Memory increases

According to a study conducted in the Netherlands, people who do not stop walking after the age of 55 have a better memory than people who do not walk or walk very little.

People who walk are mentally alert and active.

Brisk walking benefits your heart becomes strong

If you keep walking regularly, the blood pressure will be balanced. If not daily, then walk at least 4 times a week for at least 40 minutes. The more sweat is released, the more harmful it is to health.

The risk of stroke is avoided

Brisk walking benefits to Blood circulation will be moderate.

Especially for women, this risk is avoided to the extent of 40%. Oxygen enters the body and carbon dioxide is released. Oxygen improves the performance of the heart muscles and arteries.

Brisk walking benefits the risk of breast cancer is reduced

After Sunpass, women who walk for 7 hours a week have no risk of breast cancer, women who walk for 3 hours after a study found that this fear in them is reduced to the extent of 14%.

Brisk walking benefits getting rid of swollen bones

Walking means that you are carrying your entire body weight. Obviously, this work is not less than hard work. Brisk walking benefits at least 45 minutes every day, and your bones will be full. They will not suffer. While walking, the soft sun will continue to bake, so vitamin D will also continue to be available.

Brisk walking benefits The risk of diabetes is removed

Researchers at the Imperial University of London say that people who walk are 40% less likely to develop diabetes than those who don't walk.

Continuity, by exercising, you never get tired, and your metabolism starts working at the right speed. The endorphins in the brain are activated, due to which the mood is improved. It does. Exercise has only positive effects, never negative reactions

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Nutritional supplements for every one

 Nutritional supplements for every one 

Nutritional supplements for every one

All the foods that are attractive in their presentation will be eaten without any compromise on health. They are also tasteful and cannot be done justice to.

Who says banaspati ghee and desi ghee cause weight gain. You can prepare food in Dalda VTF. You will easily achieve the target of no weight gain. Olive oil can be used along with desi ghee.

Dalda's olive oil is also included in the range. As per Nutritional supplements, add fresh olives to your routine.

Nutritional supplements avoiding farm chickens, adopt the approach of cooking curries with indigenous chickens and chicks. Even if weight gain or obesity is not your problem, it is still important to take possible preventive measures for diseases like diabetes, PCOS, and high blood pressure.

Cook as much as possible for two meals a day so that fresh foods can be eaten.

By heating them for the third and fourth time, the harmful effects increase. If there are vegetables, they become black in color, and Nitrate can be converted into harmful chemicals and cause cancer in the body. The thing to remember is that vegetable Chlorophyll is green in color and orange or red due to beta-carotene, and also contains flavonoids that are destroyed by heat.

Nutritional supplements one-time meal should not exceed 1200 calories. Eating wholemeal bread is recommended because it contains fiber and reduces the risk of cancer.

Mix half a cup of apple juice with half a cup of beetroot juice and drink it. If the bitter taste is unpleasant, you can drink it by adding a spoonful of honey.

Soak the seed in water or fresh milk and drink it for women and men who have stomach irritation or digestive problems.

In addition to pulses, add pulses to grains. These are also anti-cancer foods.

Eat less red meat. Has and camel milk have both nutrients and energy.

Nutritional supplements Omega-3 fatty acids are abundant in fish because they are polyunsaturated fatty acids that convert excess cholesterol in the human body into gall acids.

In this way, the amount of cholesterol in the body cannot increase. Nutritional supplements Omega-3 fatty acids increase the immunity of the human body.

It is good to eat watermelons and melons to prevent kidney diseases. Along with vitamins and minerals, the excess amount of water in them is also useful.

Nutritional supplements Drinking 10 glasses of water every day also keeps the weight in moderation.

Small packets of chips and popcorn can be eaten, but the fear of storing more calories than eating large packets remains.


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Healthy foods to lose weight

 Healthy foods to lose weight

Healthy foods to lose weight

A well-known dietician says: Healthy foods to lose weight "Low-fat, low-starch, and certain types of grains can help with weight loss. Many people have too many fat-producing cells. It becomes very difficult for people to lose weight. Consuming juicy citrus fruits or their juice, apples, strawberries or garlic can improve the function of fat cells to some extent.

With the use of these products, the human body can look proportionate, attractive, and pleasant while being protected from obesity. Vegetables and foods containing fibrous plants can play a very important role against obesity.

Vegetables that contain natural diuretics help in reducing obesity.

Nutritionists agreed that the use of vitamin C not only reduces body fat but Healthy foods to lose weight are more beneficial to reducing body fat.

. It also prevents an imbalance in the amount of cholesterol in the body. Apples and Apart from strawberries, plums, and almonds are rich in protein, which absorbs water and cleanses the cells from the effects of fat or obesity.

Let's see what foods can make us smart.


A handful of blueberries a day can add color to your diet. Blueberries are different from jams and are often available in supermarkets. And prevent diseases.

Research has also shown that blueberries protect against wrinkles and fine lines on the skin and keep the mind active even in old age. Healthy foods to lose weight can benefit from blueberries.


In addition to fiber, raspberries contain iron, potassium, and vitamins A and C, which control appetite and keep weight at a reasonable level.

Juicing also contains natural compounds that help us fight heart disease and may even help reduce the risk of cancer.

Healthy foods to lose weight


For Healthy foods to lose weight Strawberries are high in water and low in calories. If you eat a large bowl of strawberries, you'll only get 27 calories. It's also high in vitamin C.

Research has shown that people who eat strawberries manage to lose weight. Keep in mind that strawberries should not be mixed with toppings or cream.


Research has shown that broccoli (a salad green like cauliflower) protects against breast and prostate cancers. It contains antioxidants as well as detoxifying compounds.

Also, Healthy foods to lose weight Broccoli also has a role in lowering cholesterol levels and lowering blood pressure. This vegetable contains more vitamin C than oranges. It also contains iron and several vitamins.


Among the juicy fruits, orange or Cano has a special place. It not only protects us from heart diseases, infections and inflammations, but it is also considered to lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

It also contains enough vitamin C to protect against colds. The added benefit of this fruit is that a medium-sized orange contains only 56 calories and only nominal fat, which helps in keeping slim. can.

Cabbage Healthy foods to lose weight

Healthy foods to lose weight

Cabbage is rich in antioxidants and is a natural detoxifier for the body.

Overweight people can lose weight by regularly including cabbage in their diet. It is high in fiber and makes you feel full longer after eating. Cabbage, also known as Karam Kala, It also provides protection against breast, prostate, and colon cancer.

Get dirty 

Healthy foods to lose weight A vegetable like garlic and onion leaves is called leeks.

People who want to lose weight should pay attention to this vegetable because it is low in calories and rich in natural minerals like iron and manganese, which activate enzymes to digest food. Gandana also contains vitamins B6 and C. which keep blood sugar levels stable.


Tomatoes are known as the “charismatic fruit.” Eating tomatoes is very low in calories.

A medium-sized tomato contains 10 to 15 calories, which makes it an ideal food for dieters. Tomatoes contain significant amounts of vitamins C, A and E. Eating them also reduces the risk of cancer. Decreases.


Healthy foods to lose weight According to experts, if two to three onions are eaten in a week, it has good effects on health.

Antioxidants present in onions provide protection from colds to colon, prostate, and breast cancer. They also contain high levels of chromium, which balances hormone levels in the body and relieves menstrual cramps in women. The feeling is reduced.


This phrase is now proverbial: eat an apple a day and stay away from doctors.

Healthy foods to lose weight Like other super foods, apples also protect us from heart diseases. The pectin in apples lowers cholesterol and rids the body of unhealthy substances. It helps in controlling body weight.


Nuts are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Nuts are also a great breakfast item for those who want to lose weight.

Studies have shown that eating a handful of nuts can greatly suppress appetite and reduce cravings for junk foods. Adding them to your diet four days a week can reduce your risk of heart disease. Is.


Bananas contain more calories than other fruits, but for those who exercise, bananas can be a great source of energy before, during, and after exercise.

Bananas contain significant amounts of potassium, which helps lower blood pressure. They are also high in vitamin B6, which keeps skin and hair healthy.


Due to the powerful antioxidants in beetroot, the skin is protected from damage. Beetroot is fat-free and low in calories. It is good food for those who want to keep their weight within a certain limit.


Small green peas are a good source of vitamins A and C and iron. Peas are rich in protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. They are very low in fat.

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A combination of gourds, dietary fiber and water


A combination of gourds, dietary fiber, and water

A combination of gourds, dietary fiber, and water

So now in Pakistan more or less gourd is sold in every season but actually, it is a summer vegetable it is rich in the natural ability to keep our body cool. The human body is such a masterpiece of nature that every weather is made tolerable to a reasonable extent. The internal temperature of the body remains the same in a healthy state.

In summer we are afraid of sweating, actually, it is a natural system to release excess heat from the body. Acidity is removed and the body temperature is controlled by the brain under the coordinated system.

After sweating, we feel cold in the body. This symptom is not a disorder. If heat is not released through sweat, the body will burn like an oven and the body organs will not be able to perform their functions properly.

This is an automatic system of nature. In summer, the blood is usually thin. Sweat is released from the pores of the skin, then we feel cold. October is the last summer. This month we should consume foods that keep the body system moderate, active, and active and help to eliminate the effects of heat.


The gourd is one such vegetable with numerous benefits which is rich in medical and nutritional benefits and the favorite vegetable of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Specifically, it should form part of the diet. Gourds are round or oval and oblong in shape with green skin on the outside and a soft, smooth surface on the inside.

The seeds are half an inch long and a quarter inch wide in the middle. This vegetable contains mineral salts such as calcium, potassium, and iron.

While making gourd, it is better if the amount of water is kept low because the major part of this vegetable consists of water. It is correct to give gourd soup curry to thin and sick people because the water would have been removed from their bodies. Is.

Gourd juice, soup, and broth are also useful for people suffering from heart diseases. Like every vegetable, there are dietary fibers in the gourd that improve the digestive system. If you want to lose weight, gourd juice is good. Drinking the extract is useful. Diabetic patients are often thirsty. Gourd helps to quench thirst.

It is also a place of beauty

It keeps our skin clear.

It is effective for oily skin. Young people with nail acne should eat it and clean the skin with the juice. It also removes dandruff. Applying gourd juice on the skin that has dandruff will cure it. A tried and tested method to remove the dryness of the skin is to mix the juice of gourd and tamarind in equal weight and apply this solution on the entire scalp and massage it with soft hands and after half an hour wash it off. The head should be washed with water. Young girls with acne-prone skin should drink gourd juice to maintain the balance of oil produced by the skin. Thus, the gourd plays a key role in keeping the skin healthy and shiny. Is.

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Said what? Don't drink coffee


Said what? Don't drink coffee

Said what Don't drink coffee

When you are tired of the heat and you are in a bad condition, then the steaming cup of coffee is perfect! What? Said what? You don't drink coffee in the heat? So are you one of those people who find the use of coffee in the heat harmful to health? So, sir, get rid of this misunderstanding! This is because many health experts have rejected this idea and scientific research has shown that coffee, whether cold or hot, is not harmful in any weather and if it is used in a moderate amount, it can bring us many benefits.

In general, those who consider coffee consumption to be unhealthy in hot weather think that only water-based beverages should be consumed in hot weather, while according to researchers, coffee is a beverage full of natural benefits for the human body.

Coffee brightens your skin:

The linoleic acid in coffee stores water inside our skin, which prevents our skin from drying out and retains its elasticity.


Said what Don't drink coffee
Other ingredients in coffee, such as the antioxidants in the phenolic compound, eliminate any kind of inflammation in the skin and help to keep the skin smooth by removing any kind of blockage in the skin.

Coffee gives us energy.

Did you know that people who do not drink coffee are more prone to heart disease than people who drink coffee regularly?

According to scientists, this is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of coffee, as well as the micro-organisms found in coffee that eliminate inflammation of the intestines and keep the digestive system in its original state. Cause to be saved.

Benefits of black coffee:

Just as everything is beneficial in its original state, so too is black coffee more beneficial to health than others.

In addition to its flavor, this is a complete weight loss recipe. According to experts, a six-ounce cup contains "0" zero calories, making it an excellent "evergreen" drink for people who want to lose weight.

Cold, summer, autumn, spring now be enough with:

Whether the weather is hot or cold, the color of spring with colorful flowers or bile roots.

Coffee is a delightful drink we all enjoy in all seasons, but it also gives us a sense of freshness in every season. So it would be a mistake to think that coffee should be drunk only in winter. Whether it's the beginning of the morning or the feeling of exhaustion, the freshness of coffee overwhelms everything.

Colors of happiness; coffee grounds:

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healthy diet plan for weight loss Losing weight does not diet

Losing weight does not diet 

healthy diet plan for weight loss

Losing weight does not diet

Healthy diet plan for weight loss People who claim that we have the most authentic method of losing weight or dieting, know that this is not 100% true. Consuming a certain amount of calories while dieting is often not the right decision. The reason is that when we provide our body with a fixed amount of calories, our fixed natural weight is also affected due to this change.

This is the reason why when our dieting comes to an end, our body tries to regain this weight, and as a result, our weight starts to increase again soon after we stop dieting. Health is also significantly affected and our body starts to look ugly and ugly compared to before.

Healthy diet plan for weight loss

If your goal is to get a healthy body, it is better that you refrain from such experiments, and this year, instead of dieting, make it a priority to live a healthy life through wholesome food.

Weight and health are not mutually exclusive

It is very important for us to understand that whether the weight is reduced or increased, a person can remain healthy in both cases, that is, a healthy body is never dependent on weight.

People who are overweight are not necessarily healthy. Even in the research done in this area, it is not clear whether better health is related to weight loss or positive changes in our lifestyle such as Better nutritional intake and physical fitness.

Permanent weight change is not possible through dieting

In other words, say that dieting does not help in achieving permanent habits.

If we limit the consumption of nutritious food and physical activity to the limits of weight loss, then in case of not getting the desired results, we give up those habits that cause us even if we don't want to. Return to unhealthy habits even after losing weight.

Dieting also affects mental health

Healthy diet plan for weight loss

People who have a tendency to lose weight are constantly worried about their body image and are mentally unsatisfied.

At the same time, they believe that after losing weight through dieting, they are mentally satisfied, but this is not the case. This is because it is not possible to achieve a better body image through dieting, because in this case, if the weight is regained. If you start to grow, all your ambitions and self-confidence can be stunted. Therefore, choose a nutritious diet regardless of body image.

Don't think about whether the foods in the restaurant or party menu are included in your diet plan or not, instead of thinking about how many calories are in which food, focus on nutrition this time.

Therefore, this year, instead of making weight loss your resolution, make a good and better lifestyle your motto

Instead of affecting your mental and physical health by dieting, choose healthy food and make physical activities a part of your life and forget the fuss of dieting.

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Salad is a great medical treasure

 Salad is a great medical treasure

Salad is a great medical treasure, but people tend to ignore it because of its taste. Many studies have shown that eating salad improves mood and increases happiness.

Salad is a great medical treasure

First, in 2021, a media study found that research on people aged 15 to 45 found that eating vegetables and fruits improved health and had a positive effect on mood.

It reduces depression and improves mood. The study was conducted in eight countries, including the US and France.

Then recently in Australia, a long survey of 12,000 people over the age of 15 was conducted. This survey was part of a research program and continued for several years. It was found that by eating vegetables, fruits, and salads The mood improves.

Experts say that vegetables and salads are a great investment in your body and they also improve your mental health.

In this regard, a small experiment was conducted in the American University in which 100 students were included. All individuals followed through and reported a significant reduction in anxiety and depression over the next ten days and feeling happier.

Then in 2017, a survey was conducted on forty university students in Germany, and it was found that people who eat vegetables and fruits are happier and more cheerful. This is because important minerals, vitamins, and poly in the salad Phenols have an immediate and effective effect on the brain

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